Paleontology News

New Fossil Finds


Out of the beaks of babes?
Fossil casts new light on avian evolution. Read more…

Paleontology News is's free page covering news relating to geology and paleontology with a bearing on biology and evolution primarily new fossil discoveries and new findings about plate tectonics.

Chicxulub crater probed
Scientists are probing the Yucatan impact site and learning things no one knew before. Read more… | More info…

Earliest cancer in hominid record
Cancer on a Paleo-diet? Ask someone who lived 1.7 million years ago. Read more…

Divers find fossils of extinct sloths in cave:

Buffalo bones
10,000-year-old bonebed in Sioux County, Nebraska remains of 600 ancient bison. Read more…

A synapsid survivor
Mammal-like reptile survived much longer than thought. Read more…

Ancient sperm whale tooth
Five-million-year-old fossilized tooth of huge whale found in Australia Read more…

Ancient Bees
Studying pollen from the legs of 48-million-year-old bees. Read more…

Tully Monster ID revealed
As it turns out, the weird, 300-million-year-old Tully Monster (Tullimonstrum gregarium) was probably a fish. Read more…

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and human origins
Analysis of mtDNA-related data suggests humans are derived from an ancient cross involving a female chimpanzee. Read more …

New anthracothere commemorates a rock star's lips. Read more …

Pelagornis sandersi

Largest bird that ever flew?
Paleontologists have identified the fossilized remains of what could be the biggest flying bird ever found. Read more...

da vinci

Are humans hybrids?
Many facts suggest the answer is yes. Read more …

lascaux horse

Take an incredible virtual tour of Lascaux
You can now view the many prehistoric and beautiful paintings of Lascaux Cave without ever leaving your chair. Read more …

Saber-toothed tiger trap: Spanish cave rich in carnivores
Scientists are scratching their heads over why thousands of carnivores died trapped in a cave in Spain. Read more …

Other fossil evidence for evolution (older articles):

A golden rule

Gilboa: Oldest petrified forest unearthed

Read about the largest flying animals ever to exist. Read more …

A virtual tour of Lascaux
You can now view the beautiful paintings of Lascaux Cave and never rise from your chair. Read more …

The Fayum
About the famous fossiliferous formation in northeastern Egypt. Read more …

The Taung Child
An eagle's prey? Read more…


Adam Sedgwick (1785-1873). British paleontologist. Namer of the Devonian and Cambrian Periods. Full article >>

Mary Anning (1799-1847). British paleontologist. By some accounts the greatest fossil hunter of the early 19th century. Full article >>

Raymond Dart (1893-1988). Pioneering paleoanthropologist. Discoverer of the Taung Child, he was the first scientist to provide hard evidence that humans originally evolved in Africa. Full article >>

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). One of the founders of invertebrate paleontology. Long before Darwin, Lamarck proposed that human beings had evolved from apes. Full article >>

Fossil Evidence for Evolution
New Fossil Finds © 2017

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