Hyrax Hybrids

Family Hyracoidea

Mammalian Hybrids




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Dendrohyrax arboreus [Southern Tree Hyrax]
× Dendrohyrax dorsalis [Western Tree Hyrax] ONHR. CON: Uganda. Kingdon 1971 (pp. 345, 346-347).

Dendrohyrax dorsalis See: Dendrohyrax arboreus.

Dendrohyrax validus [Eastern Tree Hyrax]
× Heterohyrax brucei [Yellow-spotted Hyrax] NHR(Tanzania). CON: eastern Africa. A probable hybrid, a large white-bellied hyrax, was taken near Morogoro. It is the sole basis of a named race of D. validus (schusteri). Kingdon 1971 (p. 345).

Heterohyrax brucei [Yellow-spotted Hyrax] See: Dendrohyrax validus.

dog-cow hybrid A dog-cow hybrid?

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By the same author: Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World, Oxford University Press (2006).

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