Prefix Dictionary U-Z

Meanings of medical prefixes


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ul- or ule- or ulo- [Greek oulon the gums] The gums (ulocace, ulorrhea).

uln- or ulno- [Latin ulna forearm] Relating to the ulna (ulnocarpal).

ultra- [Latin ultra beyond, further, more, on the other side] Beyond, in excess, extreme (ultraviolet).

un- [Germanic equivalent of Latin un- and Greek an-] Not, opposite, deprived of (unossified).

unci- [Latin uncus hook] Hook, hooked (uncinate). Compare: onci-.

undec- (or, rarely: hendec-) [Latin undecim eleven] Eleven (undecane).

uni- [Latin unus one] One, single (univalent).

ur- or uro- [Greek oura tail] Tail, taillike, posterior region (Urodela).

ureter- or uretero- [Greek oureter ureter] Denotes the ureter(s) (ureteralgia).

urin- or urino- or uro- [Greek ouron urine] Urine (urinoscopy).

vagin- or vagino- [Latin vagina sheath, scabbard] Denotes the vagina (vaginitis).

vari- or vario- [Latin varius different, diverse] various, diverse (variation).

varic- or varico- [Latin varix varicose vein] Denotes varicose vein(s) (varicula).

vas- or vaso- [Latin vas vessel, dish, vase] Blood vessel (vasodepressant).

vascul- or vasculo- [Latin vasculum small vessel] Blood vessel, conductive tube (vascular).

ven- or veni- or veno- [Latin vena blood vessel, vein] (1) vein (venisection); (2) vena cava (venoatrial).

ventr- or ventri- or ventro- [Latin venter, ventris stomach, belly, womb] (1) in humans: denotes the belly or front; (2) in animals: denotes the lower surface (ventrolateral).

vermi- [Latin vermis worm, maggot] Worm (vermiform).

vesicul- or vesicul- [Latin vesicula small bladder or blister] Denotes vesicle(s) (vesicular).

vibr- or vibri- [Latin vibrare to shake or vibrate] Denotes vibration; hence, in a bacterium, the presence of flagella is implied (Vibrio).

vill- or villi- [Latin villus shaggy hair] Denotes a villus or villi (villiform, vilosity).

viri- [from virus] Virus (viricide).

viscer- or viscero- [Latin viscus internal organ] Pertaining to the internal organs (visceral).

vitre- or vitreo- [Latin vitreus glassy] Like glass; clear as glass, glassy (vitreous).

viv- or vivi- [Latin vivus alive, living] Alive, living; lively (vivisection).

vulv- or vulvo- [Latin vulva womb] Denotes the vulva (vulvar).

xanth- or xantho- [Greek xanthos yellow] Yellow (xanthous).

xen- or xeno- [Greek xenos stranger, foreigner] Foreign, strange, intruding (xenograft).

xer- or xero- [Greek xeros dry] Dry (xeric).

xiphi- or xipho- [Greek xiphos sword] Denotes the xiphoid process (xiphocostal).

xyl- or xylo- [Greek xylon wood] Wood (xylem).

yocto- [prefix in International System of Units] 10-24 (yoctogram).

yotta- [prefix in International System of Units] 1024 (yottaFLOPS).

zepto- [prefix in International System of Units] 10-21 (zeptomole).

zeta- [prefix in International System of Units] 1021 (zetaFLOPS).

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zinco- Pertaining to or containing the element zinc.

zirco- Pertaining to or containing the element zirconium.

zo- or zoo- [Greek zoon animal] (1) of or relating to animals (zoology, zoophagous, zoosterol); (2) capable of movement (zoocytium).

zyg- or zygo- [Greek zygon yoke, tying element] Union, fusion, yoking (zygote).

zym- or zymo- [Greek zymosis fermentation] Ferment, enzyme (zymotic).

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