Prefix Dictionary F-G

Meanings of medical prefixes


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faci- or facio- [Latin facies face] Denotes the face (faciocervical, faciolingual, facioplasty).

fauc- [Latin fauces pharynx] Denotes the fauces (faucitis).

febri- [Latin febris fever] Fever (febricity, febrifuge, febrile).

feli- [Latin felis cat] Cat (Felidae).

femto- [Danish femten fifteen] 10-15 (femtoliter).

ferr- or ferre- or ferro- [Latin ferrum iron] Containing iron (ferredoxin).

feti- or feto- or foeti- or foeto- [Latin fetus offsping, young] Denotes the fetus (fetotoxic).

fibulo- [Latin fibula clasp, brooch] Of or pertaining to the fibula (fibulocalcaneal).

fil- or fili- [Latin filum thread] Denotes filament(s), thread(s) or something threadlike (filiferous, filiform).

filic- [Latin filix, filicis fern, bracken] Pertaining to ferns; used in taxonomy (filicifolium).

flav- or flavo- [Latin flavus yellow, golden] Yellow, golden (flavobacteria).

fluor- or fluori- or fluoro- [fluorine] (1) fluorine (2) fluorescent.

fore- [Old English fore- earlier, in front] Before, front, in front of; often used in English names of body parts (foreleg, forearm, forehead, foreskin).

front- or fronto- [Latin frons, frontis forehead, face, front, fore part] (1) anterior (frontal lobe); (2) of or pertaining to the forehead or frontal bone (frontoparietal).

galact- or galacto- [Greek gala, galact- milk] Milk (galactose).

gam- or gamo- [Greek gamia marriage] (1) united, joined (gamopetalous, gamophyllous); (2) sexual, sexually (gamete, gamone).

gamet- or gameto- [Greek gamia marriage] Gamete (gametangium).

gangli- or ganglio- [Greek gagglion ganglion] Ganglion (ganglioglioma, gangliform).

gaster- or gastr- or gastro- [Greek gaster belly] Stomach, belly (gastroenteritis, Gastropoda, gastroenteritis, gastric, gastrolith).

ge- or geo- [Greek ge earth, land] Earth (geobiology).

gen- or geno- [Greek gennan to produce] Gene (genotype).

genu- [Latin genu knee] Denotes the knee (genucubital).

giga- [prefix in International System of Units] billion (109) (gigabase).

gingiv- or gingivo- [Latin gingivae gums] Denotes the gums (gingivoglossitis).

glauc- or glauco- [Latin glaucus bluish gray] (1) pale yellow-green (2) light bluish gray (Glaucium, glaucoma).

gloss- or glosso- [Greek glossa tongue] Relating to the tongue (glossalgia, glossodynia).

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glott- or glotto- [Greek glottis, glossa tongue] (1) pertaining to the glottis; (2) pertaining to the tongue (glottitis).

glyc- or glyco- [Greek glykys sweet] In the names of compounds, indicates the presence of glycerine or a like substance (glyceride).

gnath- or gnatho- [Greek genys jaw, cheek] Denotes jaw (gnathochilarium).

gon- or gono- [Greek gonos genitals, seed, offspring, procreation] (1) sexual (gonads, gonorrhea); (2) generative; (3) semen (gonopoietic, gonium).

gymn- or gymno- [Greek gymnos naked] Naked, uncovered (gymnosperm, gymnophobia).

gyn- or gyno- or gynec- or gyneco- (British spellings: gynaec-, gynaeco-) [Greek gyne woman] Woman, relating to women (gynecology); (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil (gynoecium)

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