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-haemia or -hemia See: -emia.

-hedral [Greek hedra seat] Having the number of surfaces or type of surface indicated by the stem or prefix (decahedral).

-hedron [Greek hedra seat] Three-dimensional figure, object, or structure having the number of surfaces or type of surface indicated by the stem or prefix (polyhedron).

-hood [Old English -hād, akin to Germanic -heit state, condition] State, condition (adulthood, likelihood).

-humeral [Latin humerus upper arm, shoulder] Denotes the humerus (radiohumeral).

-i [Latin genitive ending -i] In the construction of scientific names this suffix is added to a person's name to indicate an association of that individual with the organism in question. For example, Sepia smithi is the scientific name of Smith's cuttlefish.

-ia [Latin feminine singular ending -ia] Pathological state (anemia).

-ia [Latin neuter plural ending -ia] In systematics, a taxonomic division, esp. a genus, order or class (Ichthyosauria).

-ial See: -al.

-ian See: -an.

-iasis [Greek iasis infection] Condition, infestation, pathological state or its cause, as indicated by the stem or prefix (nematodiasis).

-iatry or -iatrics [Greek iatros physician] The field of medicine dealing with or treating the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (geriatrics, pediatrics).

-ible [Latin -bilis capable of] Capable of being or doing the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (miscible).

-ic or -ical [Latin adjective ending -icus] Having the nature of, like, pertaining to (ichthyic, biological).

-icle or -icule [Latin diminutive ending -iculum] Small (vesicle).

-ics [-ic + -s] The study or knowledge of (genetics).

-id [related to -ite] Structure or part of the type indicated by the prefix (plasmid).

-ida [Latin ending -ides] In zoological taxonomy: an ending indicating an order or class (Arachnida).

-idae [Latin ending -ides] In zoological taxonomy: an ending indicating a group of familial rank (Canidae, Felidae, Spheniscidae).

-ide [French ending -ide] (1) in a binary chemical compound, an ending added to the name of whichever of the two elements is nonmetallic or has a greater affinity for electrons (sulfide); (2) a derivative, as glucoside is derived from glucose.

-idium (pl -idia or -idiums) [Greek diminutive ending -idion] Small or lesser one (basidium).

-iensis See: -ensis.

-iferous See: -ferous.

-iform See: -form.

-iformes [pl of Latin -iformis -formed, -shaped] In taxonomic names: ones having the shape indicated by the stem or prefix (Acipenseriformes, Sphenisciformes).

-ily See: -ly (this suffix occurs in adverbs formed from adjectives ending in y, e.g., speedy, speedily).

-in [Latin ending -ina] (1) an antibiotic or other drug (ampicillin); (2) a hormone (adrenalin); (3) a vitamin (biotin).

-inae [Latin plural feminine ending] In zoological taxonomy: an ending indicating a group of subfamilial rank (Carduelinae).

-ine [Latin ending -ina] (1) of, relating to (alpine, canine, estuarine, riverine); (2) chemical substance or element (chlorine, adenine); (3) drug (morphine, dexedrine).

-ing [Old English -ung, -ing] (1) action, process (preying, wading); (2) product of, or associated with an action or process (gelding).

-ion [Latin -io] Act, result, or state of.

-isation See: ization.

-ise See: ize.

-ism or -ismus [Latin -ismus, Greek -ismos] (1) a condition indicated by the stem or prefix (autism, strabismus); (2) theory (neo-Darwinism).

-ist or -istes [Latin -ista, Greek -istes endings forming agent nouns] One who, or that which, does the action, or specializes in the thing, indicated by the stem or prefix (Eleutherodactylus polemistes, psychiatrist).

-ite [Latin ending -ites] (1) produced by, resembling (catabolite); (2) member of a group (sporozoite); (3) a salt of an acid (nitrite).

-ites /EYE-deez or EYE-teez/ [Latin ending -ites] Fossil that is like, or that is from, the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (Ammonoceratites).

-ites /EYE-teez/ A plural of -itis.

-itic [Latin adjective ending -iticus] Resembling, characterized by (trilobitic).

-itides /EYED-ə-deez/ A plural of -itis.

-itious [Latin adjective ending -itius] Of, pertaining to, or like the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (adventitious).

-itis [Greek ending -itis] Disease, inflammation (arthritis).

-itises /EYE-də-səz, -tə-səz/ A plural of -itis.

-itol Hydroxy alcohol (iditol).

-ity [Latin ending -itas] Quality, state (toxicity).

-ium [-ium Latin neuter ending] (1) chemical element (sodium); (2) chemical radical (ammonium); (3) small one (pl. -iums or -ia) (onchium); (4) mass, structure (pl. -iums or -ia) (pericardium, pollinium).

-ive [Latin -ivus] Tending to, performing (contraceptive).

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-ivora See: -vora.

-ivore See: -vore.

-ivorous See: -vorous.

-ization (British: -isation) [Greek -izein] State, result, condition of the sort indicated by the stem or prefix (catheterization).

-ize (British: -ise) [Greek suffix -izein] (1) cause to become the thing indicated by the stem or prefix (ionize); (2) to make, to treat by a method (cauterize).

-jugal [Latin jugum yoke] Denotes a jugum (maxillojugal).

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